Friday, August 5, 2011

Diaper Derby

On this Friday morning JJ woke up at 7am ready to go. Today was the day of the big Elk Rapids diaper derby. Last year JJ was unable to be apart of it since we were not up here, but this year he was ready. As we pulled up to the park around 10:00 we saw the other contenders registering for the diaper derby. Mimi and Papa were standing at the tent holding jj's registration number (10). We like to think that he received that number because he's a perfect 10. We waited a bit for our heat. Jim and I were sure that JJ would be in awe of the other kids and not run. All of the crawlers had to go first, but JJ was warming up (playing with Jim on the playground). When it was jj's turn he was lined up between two competitors, we heard ,"on your mark get set, go!". Once JJ heard those words he was off running. As he was racing from me to Jim you could tell that he was super excited. As he got toward the end of his lane he was the winner. JJ then had to wait for another heat to race before he was up again. In the final race JJ you could tell that he wanted to just be let loose. As Jim tried to hold on to him he was kicking his legs and squirming around. He wanted to run! The words were said again, "on your mark, get set, go!". JJ took off, arms flying from side to side as his little legs were moving as fast as they could. I was at the finish line and I could see how excited he was, he had a smile from ear to ear. As he got to the end he ran into my arms and gave me a high five. He had won it!! His prize.....diapers for Reese. What a good big brother. Later on we asked him who he was running to during the race, "mommy and daddy," or the Elk Rapids teen queens? As we asked him he made it pretty clear that it was the queens.

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