Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our first library trip

Everyday Reese gets more and more animated. This morning after sleeping for 4 hours straight, she was all smiles. She was even talking to us and telling us all about her night. The other amazing thing was yesterday when JJ and I went to the Caledonia library. It was his first time in the new library and did he ever enjoy himself. I couldn't have been any prouder of him. We went over to the children's section where he proceeded to say ooooo as much as possible when he saw all of the play areas. He then found his way over to the board book section where he took the time to go through each and every book. Pulling it out, examining the cover and then giving it to me if he liked it. He knew what he wanted ( so cute) and others he would put back. We placed his books into his wheelbarrow that he then pushed around the library. He was such a GOOD boy! At the end we went to the checkout and he stood up on the stool and checked out every book, one by one. He acted as if he was a pro and had done it before. As we went to put the wheelbarrow back he spotted a little girl playing on a mat in the children's area. He tried to play with the " older woman", but she wanted nothing to do with it. She kept saying to James, "your mom says you have to leave. Can't you hear your mom, she says you have to leave.". JJ was untouched by her words and proceeded to play. I had to pick him up so we could leave. It was such an enjoyable experience that we can't wait to go back.

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