Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Great Day

I'm so proud of my little girl. My mom began to tell me how Reese was reaching for her animals that dangle from her bouncer. She grabbed a hold of the hippo and hung on. "she's so advanced,"my mom exclaimed. I have to say that I agree. As I held her in my arms she's laughing, smiling, and seeming to have a conversation with me. I notice that she has the littlest dimple above her cheek bone under her right eye. It's evident only when she smiles, but it's the most precious thing EVER! We went outside to hand up the bird feeder, but then realized that it broke last year and we need to get a new one. JJ is really into bird watching so we'll have to get one for him soon. My mom and I decided that we should introduce JJ to some bubbles. Although he has seen them before, it was a while ago. Boy was that fun! To see the pure enjoyment that simple soapy water brought to a little boy was amazing. He even chased one down our driveway pointing at it with his middle finger all the way.

After Jim got home I was sharing these stories with him and he had one for me. Today Jim and JJ had their first game of catch. Jim was so proud of his little guy. While I was at work Jim started to toss the ball to JJ. JJ would pick it up/catch it and side arm throw it back to Jim. Jim said that JJ did this 5 times and hit him square in the chest. He said it was the coolest thing. What a great day!

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