Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fourth Day of Summer

Today was a day full of events and all before noon. Once JJ woke up we went to meet Mimi and Papa for breakfast at the Fortune Chef. All I can say is that JJ knows what he wants. Then it was off to the library for story time with Mimi. This was our first of many story times at the public library. JJ pretty much took everything in. He was so enthralled with the girl sitting behind him shouting out all the answers. He finally got the hang of all the singing and dancing. It was so cute to see his first structured learning setting. As my mom would say, "he was trying so hard to keep up with the big kids.". Then after the lesson was over we went out into the children's library section and had JJ pick out three books to check out. We headed over to the checkout and JJ did it all by himself. He remembered from the last time which is impressive seeing as how he only did it once before. He put his books in his bag and carried them out. Both kids are now signed up for the summer reading reading program so will make sure to mark down the times that we read. We will definitely return next week.
As Mimi, JJ, Reese, and myself returned, we saw Papa fixing the broken sprinkler. JJ ran right out to him to help him. This was also the time for James to encounter his first sprinkler. His face was full of excitement and his mouth was wide open as he was trying to run away from the water. However he was running away in the same direction that the water was going. He finally broke free from the water and ran right to Papa with his arms outstretched. JJ then decided to help Mimi with the trimming of the lilac bushes. He grabbed all of the trimmed pieces and through them in the weeded side lot. After all that excitement it was time to go take a nap.

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