Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Third day of summer

Today on our third day of summer, it was a bit cold and rainy so we needed to stay inside. What a fun day with the kids though. Reese was constantly spitting up, but her constant smile made it easy for me to look past the continuous changing of outfits and 5 loads of laundry. The moment Reese is laid on her back she is over on her stomach. She is moving so much and it think it will only be a matter of time until she is sitting up by herself. Today JJ was such a big help. He helped me vacuum (by pushing his own), got me a burp cloth from the container, helped me with laundry, and finally helped me with getting a diaper. I was out in the living room with Reese and JJ and I was organizing the diaper bag. I needed a diaper so I asked JJ if he would go get me 1 diaper. He ran down the hallway and I heard this rustling coming down the hallway. As JJ got to the opening of the hallway I noticed that he was pushing amfull box of diapers. As he reached me he stood up proudly and had the biggest smile on his face. He was so pleased with himself for getng me the diapers I needed. I love that boy. We had some play time outside at the sandbox. JJ would play for a little bit then sit down on the towel by Slyder with his legs straight out and his arms propped up behind him. In that moment he looked like a little man.
As we were all getting ready for bed, I put Reese down first. JJ wanted to be lifted up to see her so I did. He noticed that she didn't have her binky in so he grabbed it and tried to put it in her mouth (it was upside down), but it seemed to work for a bit. He then blew her a kiss and it was his turn. In his room we picked out a book then sat and read it. We then sang our little song and danced (which he sings with me). I ask him if he loves me and he shakes his head yes. I ask him how much and he throws his arms out to the side then throws them around my neck with a little chuckle. A little kis come next, and with that everyone goes to bed.

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